Monday, September 11, 2006


My friend has just returned from Manchester where she was visiting her brother. She commented on how many teenagers were wearing tags in that area - it almost seems to be a fashion accessory. Obviously a high percentage of youths in that area commit crimes, and we joked about what a good idea it would be if all children were tagged at birth. It wouldn’t be a bad idea though would it? Just think of the crime that would be prevented in the first place. I suspect that most of the crimes committed by youths are when they’re with their peers rather than when they’re alone. Where’s the thrill in breaking the law if there is no one to share it with? So if they’re all home by say 8pm - voila! No more street gangs terrorising the neighbourhood. No more kids trying to get into night clubs when their only 14. No more gathering round a friends house to get drunk and smoke pot, and lets face it, that would be boring on your own too (not that I would know of course). And I suspect there would be a huge decrease in under age sex and teenage pregnancies as well.

It's not just teenagers that are a problem though. I spoke to my Mum on the phone over the weekend and she told me that one of my nieces (age 11) and two of my nephews (7 and 8) had gone missing that afternoon for nearly 3 hours, and ten police officers had been out looking for them. Ten! What a waste of resources for basically disobedient children who aren’t where they say they’ll be and don’t come home on time. One police officer was just calling for a helicopter when my niece arrived home. You see? Just tag them with some kind of tracking device and you’ll never lose your kids ever again (even if you’re trying to).


TruthSeeker said...
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TruthSeeker said...

It's a fine line, but a valid point. Let's hope society can find a middle ground!!