Sunday, October 15, 2006

Remember you're a Womble...

A song by The Wombles, a childrens TV program that started in 1973. "Womble" is sometimes used as slang for an old person. Also "A user who has great difficulty in communicating their requirements" - (Which sounds like me)

I’ve had a couple of people ask me now “When are you going to post again?” But the truth is “life” keeps interrupting my blogging habits. I decided I must make a serious effort tonight though, after seeing that a friend of mine is managing to find time for her own blog now, despite having 5 kids at home, decorating, and being a student at the same time. People like her really put me to shame; I only have Mr Man and myself to look after but I still don’t know where all the time goes. She is the queen of multi-tasking though. She is the only person I know who can actively participate in a conversation whilst typing at the same time. Blimey, I can’t even hold a conversation while I’m making a hot drink.

Just lately it seems that any multi-tasking skills of mine have long gone, and even my single-tasking skills are diminishing rapidly. To put it mildly I’ve been feeling a tad… well, brain dead really. As mentioned in my last post I have had moments with “sudden onset dyslexia” and when I’m driving I find that I am having moments with sudden onset “I don’t know how to drive anymore” syndrome. “I’m sorry for my terrible driving tonight” I’ll say to Mr Man. He’s very understanding and patient with me though, and will just calmly reply with “Well, you have made some rather unusual gear changes”.

The other night I didn’t realise I had served up cold chicken with our hot potatoes, vegetables, and gravy until I started eating it – I just completely forgot to heat it up (and yes, I was having a conversation whilst cooking). And last night I teased a couple of friends of mine whose partners have both gone on holiday (one male and one female), saying “Maybe they’ve run away together”, and it wasn’t until halfway through the night when I was laying in bed, I finally remembered that the two friends who have gone away are brother and sister!

If this is old age setting in I’m done for; it’s all down hill from here. Still, at least I'm not as stupid as this person.


Anonymous said...

omg!!!!! what a stupid man a least u are no where as stupid as that how thick can some people be he had like no brains in there but at least u do:->

Mr Mans Wife said...

Thanks anonymous. I like to think I have a brain, but I seem to have... misplaced it somewhere. If you find it, let me know.