Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Shaken not Stirred

It seems Inspector Gadget was right – the public believe that every thing that goes wrong is the fault of the Police. Why else would so many people ring the Police to report that they felt a tremor last night and that it woke them up?

What do they expect the Police to do about it?


Aiders or Aider1st said...

All I heard was a bang.. and fire engines flash past.. I wish my earth did move!

Mr Mans Wife said...

Ours moved alright! Very strange experience. I only wish that I had been outside - I'm fascinated to know what it would have felt like to literally feel the ground move under my feet.

At least they had somethng to go to! People called the Fire and Rescue service here even though there was no one to actually rescue! Do you think people just want some kind of reassurance?

Aiders or Aider1st said...

I was reading a few news articles about it.. seems that there has been widespread panic! And that was just a tremor.. I think that we as English are to soft!! Think about all the people who live with this sort of thing daily... wow so much panic over something so small..makes my mind wonder..

Trekkie said...

It didn't come as far as Scotland, but, like you, when I heard that people had been ringing the police, I did wonder why? What law was broken? Who would they arrest?
Some people are odd.

Mr Mans Wife said...

I agree Aiders. It was over before I even realised what it was, so I can't really see what there is to panic about. My brother was in San Francisco one time when they had a proper earth quake and the ground was splitting apart in front of him - now that's worth panicking about!

Trekkie I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this way. Sometimes I'm baffled, not only by the stupidity of some people, but by the fact that others don't recognise their stupidity.

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