Monday, June 04, 2007


I had no inkling at all. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind. I wasn’t worried, neither was I hopeful.

Mr Man, on the other hand, was impatient for an answer. Saturday night I took a test, but the faint blue line which threw me into panic wasn’t even visible to Mr Man with his glasses in another room and with poor night lighting. He was satisfied enough to get a good nights sleep.

I, on the other hand, was awake for a good deal longer, worrying about how he would react once he realised the truth.

I had to confess my concerns to him the following day, and after the initial shock and panic had worn off he seemed fine. The line was very faint though, and I needed to be sure. I took another test this morning… actually I’ve taken five in all over this weekend, and the only test to give a positive result was the first one I took, which was what started all this confusion in the first place.

So, I had a plan…

In the good old days women used to wait two months before consulting their doctor.


Catherine said...

Yes, you certainly did have more pressing concerns than map reading.

Aiders or Aider1st said...

o.O You lady need to ring me!

Mr Mans Wife said...

Thank you for your comments Catherine and Aiders.

A little update (or quite a big update): it was a false alarm. I was a little distraught earlier, but I'm fine now.

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to the makers of Clear Blue pregnancy tests; without your product I would have avoided a lot of uncertainty, stress, and distress over the past few days.

Over 99% accurate eh? What do you know; we are one of the less than 1%. That's amazing.

caramaena said...

I'm glad all is ok now.

Mr Mans Wife said...

Thanks Caramaena :)

Rhea said...

Heh, I had to chuckle at the site of the tests smashed by the hammer. Although, not so funny at the time I can imagine. False alarms are still quite alarming.

uphilldowndale said...

Did I hear, on the early morning news that a batch of pregnancy test kits had been recalled because they were faulty? I may have dreamt it? it was very early! Something else to ask Google.

Aiders or Aider1st said...

Yes indeed there was a batch of faulty ones.

Mr Mans Wife said...

Absolutely Rhea. I've wanted a baby for a long time now (about 16 years, although I haven't been trying for all of that time). I've let myself get my hopes up before when I have been late, and was determined not to let that happen again. But what am I supposed to think when the test says positive?

Thank you Uphilldowndale and Aiders for the news link. I will never trust another test ever again.

Like I said, in the good ol' days women used to wait two months before consulting their doctor!

The Secret Life of a Manic Depressive said...

I had similar recent woes with a pregnancy test giving me an "Eh?" result. Bit my fingers to the bone!

I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted but confident it will be someday.


Mr Mans Wife said...

Thank you Seaneen :)