Friday, July 04, 2008

The Final Blow

I'd been winded. It seemed to throw me into a state of confusion. As I gasped for air I felt disoriented; dizzy. I staggered around. I felt weak. I didn't know how or where I would find the strength to continue. There was no more "fight" left in me.

Slowly, I straightened up and raised my head. My arms hung limp at my sides. I looked directly into his eyes. As he stared back at me, I knew there was only one thing left I could do. My survival depended on it.

"Mr Man, I'm going to have to go to Morrison's; we've run out of Shreddies" I whispered through my tears.

"Alright, settle down"


Trekkie said...

Shreddies? There are support groups to help to beat the cravings!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!

Aiders or Aider1st said...

"Put down the box, cap the milk carton and step WEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL back.."
"Shreddies, come out with your crispy bits intack, surrender yourselves"

LOL, sorry I could'nt resist!

Mr Mans Wife said...

NO!! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DO IT!! SHREDDIES!! I LOVE YOU!! NO, DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!! (sob sob) You're only trying to take them so that you can eat them! hehehe!

I'm confused by this "Knitted by Nana's" belief - we always had porridge at my Nan's house!

Thanks Trekkie and Aides :)

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